Where to Shop for Vegan Food in Las Vegas
When you tell people you’re a vegan, there may be mixed reactions. Some people are curious about your lifestyle choice and may even be eager to hear about how living a vegan lifestyle positively impacts your overall health. Others may be more skeptical and ask questions around how you manage to get enough protein, what you eat and where you shop for vegan food in Las Vegas. Maintaining a vegan diet in Las Vegas isn’t hard at all, if you know where to look. While there are some basics that you get from any grocery store; some things might require a place that’s different from your average to pick up.
Where to Shop
When people ask where you shop for a vegan food in Las Vegas, you may think it’s an odd question because it would be like asking them where they shop for meat or other non-vegan foods. While stores like Smith’s and Albertsons have your basics like dairy-free milk, bread, and produce; stores that are more catered to healthy living can help you bring your pantry to the next level.
Grocery stores like Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Rainbow’s End and Sprouts Farmers Market all carry vegan foods, which make maintaining a vegan diet in Las Vegas much easier to manage. These places are especially good for picking up dry vegan staples. These staples would include nutritional yeast, different grains, and nuts; “healthy” grocery stores often carry these products and sell them in bulk.
What they Sell
Each of these stores have something that makes them unique. From specialty selections and tastings to in-house restaurants where you can eat, you may find something you like about each. However, when it comes to what each store sells, most vegans can expect to find dietary staples such as fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, butter and other dairy substitutes, nuts, seeds and condiments and meat substitutes. In addition to that many of these stores offer vegans a variety of cosmetic items. Sometimes it can be a struggle to find items made without animal by-products, or that have undergone animal testing in regular grocery stores.
Having a wider selection of cruelty free products in one place will definitely make it easier to extend veganism into all aspects of your life, and stick to it!
Are they Hard to Find?
These grocery stores can be found all around the city, so maintaining a vegan diet in Las Vegas isn’t as hard as some may think. People who aren’t vegans may think that you’ll be lucky to find one grocery store in the whole area that sells vegan food in Las Vegas. but with the growing popularity of the vegan diet, you can can find vegan grocery stores all over. What’s more is that you do not need special vegan grocery stores to maintain a vegan diet. Your average grocery store will offer the staples and some other goodies that you need to go vegan.
Next time someone asks you where to shop for a vegan diet in Las Vegas, remember, if they aren’t vegans like you are, they may not even know these stores exist; or how easy it is to convert to a cruelty free lifestyle! It may be a great opportunity for you to educate them about these stores and where to find them in case they ever want to try a vegan diet for themselves.