Who Are Vegans, And What Is A Vegan Diet?
According to Wikipedia, a vegan abstains from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, but what does that mean exactly? Keep reading to find out the answers to your questions: Who are vegans, and what is a vegan diet?
What is a Vegan?
A vegan, simply put, is someone who does not consume animal products. This means that a vegan diet is free from meat, fish, poultry, or any other animal flesh. In addition to that, you can remove any animal by-products such as, milk, cheese, eggs, and honey, from the equation. A vegan also excludes items refined or manufactured through any animal by-product like leather, fur, silk, wool, and certain cosmetics and soaps. People who choose to go vegan can have many different goals in mind. Abstaining from consumption of animal products promotes health, and compassion. The benefits of converting to a plant based diet are not just felt by you; they extend to the community and the planet!
The term vegan has been around since it was coined in 1944 by Vegan Society founder, Daniel Watson. However, the vegan diet didn’t go mainstream until the first decade of the 2000’s. But after the idea was really out there, going plant based starting gaining some traction. In fact, according to a report put out by Soyatech and SPINS in 2009, soy based food sales exceeded $4 billion dollars for the first time in the United States. Conversely, in a 2015 report from Mintel, sales of dairy milk decreased 7 percent in 2015 ($17.8 billion). What’s moire is dairy milk sales are projected to continue to drop at least another 11 percent through 2020. There’s no doubt that interest in a vegan diet is on the rise. Still, you’re probably wondering, what is a vegan diet?
What Is A Vegan Diet?
You already know that vegans don’t consume any animal products, or by-products; but what do they eat then? What is a vegan diet? After taking away things like meat and dairy, you might be surprised to find out that there are still plenty of options. On top of that, these options provide many alternatives that are better for you, and your planet. Things like whole grains, yummy vegetables, and fresh fruit can be used to make many different things! Plus, the rise in popularity of vegan diets has made room for more veggie-friendly food options in grocery stores. Meaning you won’t have to give up some of your favorite guilty pleasures! Most grocery stores carry things like ice-cream, hamburger patties, and pizzas that are all free from animal products! In addition to this, many restaurants are starting to show up with menus that cater to vegans! A vegan diet may seem to be cutting out a lot of stuff, but you definitely do not have to feel limited with your choices.
A vegan diet can look a lot of different ways; but you can take comfort in knowing your choices are cruelty free!