Why Are Las Vegans Going Vegan?
Switching to a plant based diet is a trend that is gaining popularity all over the place. As a result many people are left wondering, why are Las Vegans going vegan? Wether you are someone who is thinking about transitioning to veganism, or even if you’re just a little curious; keep reading. Below are three reasons that you should think about saying goodbye to meat and dairy!
Go Vegan For The Animals!
We know that animals are capable of thinking, and feeling. Many people believe that all sentient beings should be treated with care and have rights. When animals are raised for food, or other agricultural purposes, they are subjected to all kinds of horrors. By going vegan you will be taking a stand against the exploitation of these beings. Choosing to go plant based is the best way to show that you care about the animals.
Go Vegan For The Planet!
Companies that participate in animal agriculture are wrecking havoc on our planet. Factory farms account for about 70% of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Additionally, Ocean dead zones are becoming more common due to overfishing. In short, animal agriculture is one of the biggest threats to out planet. By switching to a plant based diet, you are saying “no” to the destruction of our planet. Many of the Las Vegans going vegan understand that when they cut animal products out of their diet, they are making a stand for something bigger than themselves.
Go Vegan For Yourself!
Studies have shown that there are many health benefits that come with going vegan. Cutting animal products out has been found reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and many more ailments. When you fill your body up with good stuff, you’re bound to feel better. Switching to plant based will mean smoother skin, more energy, and better all around wellness!
Where can Las Vegans going vegan find help?
If you are one of the many Las Vegans going vegan, there are many resources out there for you to use! One of the first steps that you might want to take is hiring a vegan nutritionist. Nutritionists are people who have been trained to help you create a healthy diet plan. In addition to that nutritionists will be able to help you find great recipes, and make shopping suggestions.
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